Do we intend this to be the site for all questions related to Vi and Vim on the Stack Exchange network? Are there any questions that should be off-topic for this site but still on-topic elsewhere?
Let's find some examples. Consider the following:
- Questions about using vim, such as How can I copy text to the system clipboard from Vim? [and its SO equivalent]
- Questions about vim settings, such as How can I add line numbers to Vim? [and its SO equivalent]
- Questions inviting vim plugin suggestions and customizations, such as Is it possible to have vim auto-complete function names, variables, etc. when using it to program? [and one if the many SO equivalents]
- Questions about language-specific settings/plugins/programming environments such as How to get intelligent C++ auto-completion [and one of the many SO equivalents]
- Questions about NeoVim. We only have What is Neovim? How is it different from Vim? And why should I care? at the moment, which is a bit odd of a question. But in principle, general questions about NeoVim. [There are very few NeoVim questions on SO to compare to as well]
- Questions about debugging problems in vim, such as Cut vim load time [and one of its SO equivalents]
- Questions about writing plugins/functions for vim, such as Making a box in vim via python [and a morally similar SO equivlanet]
One of the aspects of the creation of vi.stackexchange that appealed to me was the prospect of reducing fragmentation across the network. See for instance this answer by Doorknob at Area51. (Notice also as a comment to that answer that Jon Ericson doesn't consider this a valid reason to create vi/vim - but nonetheless it's something that I would like).