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Questions tagged [tag-synonyms]

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What is the difference between the lua and the vimscript-lua tags?

We have two tags: vimscript-lua and lua. Looking at their descriptions and the question flagged they seems very similar: Lua programming interface to Vim. DO NOT use for questions with Lua examples ...
Vivian De Smedt's user avatar
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Please vote on tag synonyms for [tag:indentation]

indentation has 3 synonym proposals. If you have a tag-score of 5 or greater, you can vote on the synonyms at that link. The current proposals for synonyms are indent smartindent autoindent
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.7k
3 votes
2 answers

Map [keymap] to [key-bindings]

I recently hit 4000 rep 🎉 and decided to go tag-wiki hunting. On the rep page, there's a link to this 2011 blog post on tags which suggests really cleaning up at least the first two pages. Ok, says I,...
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.7k
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Is [navigation] just [cursor-movement]?

The cursor-movement tag has 194 questions. The navigation tag has 37 questions, and no tag wiki. Should navigation be made a synonym of cursor-movement? Or should it mean something distinct (...
200_success's user avatar
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1 answer

Should [operator-map] be a synonym for [map-operator]

A quick search for the two tags (map-operator and operator-map) shows little difference between the two. map-operator has a nice wiki, which operator-map lacks. I'm not sure what other information ...
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.7k
1 vote
2 answers

Why is the tag text-object linked to the tag cursor-motion?

I am convinced that a separate tag text-objects or text-object-select is useful. Text objects can only be used in visual-mode or after an operator (:h text-objects). A possible misunderstanding can ...
Hotschke's user avatar
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Seeing a bad tag, shall I retag or ask for a synonym?

I just saw the regexp tag in this question. When I clicked on it I expected to be redirected to the regular-expression tag but it was not the case. I could just edit the question and add the correct ...
grochmal's user avatar
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4 votes
10 answers

What tag synonyms should be created? [closed]

Since the regular tag synonym suggestion mechanism is essentially completely broken on this site, please post your tag synonym suggestions below. One suggestion per answer, please.
200_success's user avatar
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