What's the point of using OS dependend tags such as microsoft-windows, unix and linux?
It seems that OS-dependent editors (such as gVim/MacVim) interface related questions are off-topic (this one sounds like it's too, as it ask for X11 integration) which leaves as with plain only vi/vim and the only differences are how and which external commands we invoke.
In case when the question has tag microsoft-windows specifically expecting Windows only answers, all Linux-like and Unix-like answers are still welcomed, because of excuse that user can install Cygwin/MSYS/SUA on Windows, so all UNIX/Linux commands would be available. And when Unix-like question appears, then it becomes duplicate for some reason, because all UNIX/Linux answers are already posted in Windows question.
Is there any practical use (real scenario) where we really can use these tags appropriately? I think they'll be easily abused by non-experienced users and there will be always confusion (to tag question with microsoft-windows and give all UNIX/Linux answers).
What about removing these tags to avoid further confusion (currently we've only 1 question about how to install plugin on Windows - shouldn't be that in FAQ or on the plugin page)?
Or if we want to keep them, define exactly what these tags actually mean?