The members of Programming Puzzles and Code Golf have made a few Community Promotion Ads in order to promote themselves on other sites:
Note: this may or may not be blatant self-promotion come visit our site we want more users or subliminal messaging.
A few other sites have them too, such as Robotics.
Why don't we make a few of our own? There are several reasons why this would be beneficial:
It would bring in more users, obviously. More users is (almost) never a bad thing, especially when they're being referred from other Stack Exchange sites, giving them a high likelihood of already being knowledgeable about our network and rules.
By posting them on sites such as Unix & Linux or Super User, we can let the users over there know that we exist! Many of the users there who know a lot about Vim might not even know that there's now a Vim site at all.
Finally, by attracting more users (many of whom may be Vim experts), we'd be addressing one of the major problems that Stack Exchange staff had with there being a Vim site, summed up by @Shog9 in his recent meta post:
Right now, Stack Overflow is still a better place for programmers with vi/Vim questions, Unix & Linux is still a better place for *nix power users with vi/Vim questions, and Super User is still a better place for pretty much everyone else.
Let's prove him wrong (again)!
So, make an ad and post an answer below! Here are the rules you must follow for the ad:
- The image that you create must be 300 x 250 pixels
- Must be hosted through our standard image uploader (
- Must be GIF or PNG
- No animated GIFs
- Absolute limit on file size of 150 KB
It should also have a border.
Feel free to make site-specific ads, which can be posted on specific sites (for example, a sysadmin-themed ad tailored specifically for Server Fault).